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A 501(c3) non-profit organization
August 25th 2018 - Shraavana Purnima
This auspicious day marks the confluence of Shraavana Purnima and the transition of the moon from Shraavana to Shravishta constellation.

This auspicious day marks the confluence of Shraavana Purnima and the transition of the moon from Shraavana to Shravishta constellation. The couple welcomed Baana Lohiteshwara to their residence in Happy valley on the occasion of their 14th wedding anniversary. This day is also earmarked for rithwiks to engage in proverbial cleansing (trikana shuddhi). AVG Rithwiks started off the fall season celebrations with a stellar rendition of the Vedas (Chathur Veda Parayana) and thus getting ready for a packed program over the next three months.
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