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AVGf conducts frequent workshops to help with Stress Management, Work-life Balance and Self Discovery. In these workshops, approaches to energize your life using yoga, asanas, breathing and regulation, meditation, diet, music, and so on will be taught and practiced. Most workshops will revisit the basic concepts and procedures, so that new coming participants can keep pace, without requiring significant pre-requisites to sign up. 

***Workshops and classes offered by AVG Foundation are open to people with all backgrounds and faith. 

Below are some of the workshops that were offered this year. Please contact us for more details.

I am & I feel

July 21st, 2019

This workshop continued the journey from the introduction to Chakras (energy centers) and their connection to energy and vitality. We explored the root and the Sacral energy centers in detail with methods to channel the open flow of energy between the nodes of "I am" and "I feel". Approaches to balance energy flow using yoga, meditation, diet, music, mudras and crystals were discussed. 

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Balanced Diet


March 31st, 2019

In this session, we explored the energy centers in the lower third, and the Solar Plexus in detail and focus on improving functions related to digestion, assimilation and fertility.  Approaches to balance energy flow using yoga, meditation, diet, music, mudras and crystals were discussed.

Balance from the Heart

Dec 2nd, 2018

In this session, we explored the Heart energy center in detail and focused on improving functions related to circulation and respiration. Given its vital role in sustaining the body, ways to channel the open flow of energy between neighboring nodes will be taught and demonstrated.  Special emphasis will be on pranayama techniques. Correct methods of practice should result in enhanced empathy, love and compassion and an all round sense of well-being and harmony.

Express with Purity

Sept 23rd 2018

In this session, we explored the Throat energy center in detail and focused on improving functions related to communication. Here, all the elements of the lower chakras are refined to their purest essence and dissolved in the purest of all elements, Akasha. Correct methods of practice should result in learning to truthfully express ourselves, respectfully disagree with someone and create our world through open and honest communication.


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