A 501(c3) non-profit organization
September 15th 2018 - Ganapathi Atharvasheersha Homa
Propitiating Ganapathi in the form of Vimukha - to go beyond simple material pleasures and emotional attachments to bring oneself to be spiritually connected to consciousness.

The Grand Celebrations of Vinayaka Chaturthi culminated with Ganapathi Atharvasheersha Homa, Maha MruthyunJaya Yajna and RudraAbisheka. The couple welcomed Vimukha Ganapathi in Lohita Shila ( Red sandstone) to their home. The complex mantra, tantra , yantra proceedings began with Ganapathi taking form (Swaroopa) from Jatavedasa (Agni) and concluded with the installation (Pratishtaapana). The significance of this specific program involves propitiating Ganapathi in the form of Vimukha - to go beyond simple material pleasures and emotional attachments to bring oneself to be spiritually connected to consciousness.