A 501(c3) non-profit organization
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AVGf Celebrated these events

January 13th 2019 - Bhanu Sapthami and Makara Sankranthi
Bhanu Sapthami Celebrations at PC&SC home in Chandler. This auspicious day marks the confluence of three things - Surya emerging on seven horse drawn carriage ( Sapthami), on a Sunday (Bhanu) and transitioning the ecliptic to move to the Northern Hemisphere.

December 8th 2018 - Devotee Gruhapravesha

November 22nd 2018 - Kartika Pournami Celebrations

September 15th 2018 - Ganapathi Atharvasheersha Homa
The significance of this specific program involves propitiating Ganapathi in the form of Vimukha - to go beyond simple material pleasures and emotional attachments to bring oneself to be spiritually connected to consciousness.

July 14th 2018 - Surya Namaskara and Rudrabisheka
AVGF celebrated this cosmic union of the two energies (Surya and Rudra) through Surya Namaskara and Rudrabisheka.

August 18th 2018 - Shraavana Ashtami
On the auspicious Ashtami of Shravana (2018), a couple welcomes home unconditional love, opportunity and generosity though the installation of the Jade Raksha Vinayaka in their residence.

August 25th 2018 - Shraavana Purnima
This auspicious day marks the confluence of Shraavana Purnima and the transition of the moon from Shraavana to Shravishta constellation.

September 8th 2018 - Ganesh Chaturthi Preamble
This special program marks the beginning of AVGf's Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations in 2018